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Becoming a Chartered Manager (CMgr)

Why should I apply?

  • Becoming a CMgr boosts your employability and professional status, and demonstrates your competence.
  • Applying through the IET rather than directly with CMI means you get a 50 percent discount on CMI membership. The discount also applies to renewal fees.
  • CMgr is available to all IET Members who are registered as Chartered Engineer (CEng) or Incorporated Engineer (IEng) through the IET and have five years or more management experience, from anywhere in the world.

How do I apply?

What happens next?

  • You’ll then receive an assessment form from CMI and allocated an assessor who’ll advise you on completing it. You have 12 months to complete this step.
  • The next step is a formal telephone interview.
  • CMI will contact your line manager/colleague to corroborate your evidence and make a final decision.

Additional information:

Chartered Manager application fees*

Depending on your experience, you can apply to be either a Chartered Manager Member (CMgr MCMI) or a Chartered Manager Fellow (CMgr FCMI). You also have a choice about whether to apply via a written submission or via a professional discussion. The assessment and CMI membership fees for those different options are:


Chartered Manager (CMI Member)


Chartered Manager (CMI Fellow)

Via Written Submission Assessment fee £540.00 Assessment fee £540.00
  VAT £108.00 VAT £108.00
  50 percent discounted CMI membership fee £124.50 50 percent discounted CMI membership fee £142.50
  Total:  £772.50 Total: £790.50
Via Professional discussion Assessment fee £855.00 Assessment fee £855.00
  VAT £171.00 VAT £171.00
  50 percent discounted CMI membership fee £124.50 50 percent discounted CMI membership fee £142.50
  Total:  £1,150.50 Total: £1,168.50

*Prices from 1 April 2022

Discounted CMgr renewal fees

A special rate has been negotiated for our Members. If your application is successful, you applied via the IET and possess either CEng or IEng, you’ll receive a 50 per cent discount on CMgr renewal fees which will be paid alongside your current IET membership subscription and this discount will remain valid as long as you continue to be an IET Member.